[FFmpeg-soc] [PATCH]aacsbr: bs_amp_res is overridden by 0 for (bs_frame_class == FIXFIX && bs_num_env == 1) only for the current frame

Alex Converse alex.converse at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 01:19:11 CET 2009

So this is kind of ambiguous in the spec... bs_amp_res is read in the
SBR header. If (bs_frame_class == FIXFIX && bs_num_env == 1)
bs_amp_res is set to zero. Those are both per frame variables and I'm
pretty sure the affect only lasts for one frame. That's how the refdec
seems to behave anyway.

4.B.18.6 Data quantization
The spectral envelope scalefactors are quantized in 3dB steps or in
1.5dB steps, dependent on the time frequency resolution of the current
SBR frame, and bs_amp_res. For the case where there is only one SBR
envelope per SBR frame and of SBR frame class FIXFIX, 1.5 dB steps are
always used, disregarded the value of bs_amp_res.
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