[FFmpeg-trac] #1607(avformat:new): av_seek_frame() without AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY on mpg files returns success without seeking to a keyframe
trac at avcodec.org
Wed Aug 8 19:38:18 CEST 2012
#1607: av_seek_frame() without AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY on mpg files returns success
without seeking to a keyframe
Reporter: mbradshaw | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: avformat
Version: git-master | Resolution:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Comment (by DonMoir):
The reason ff_seek_frame_binary is not effective in this case is because
there is no index table that marks keyframes. So ff_seek_frame_binary
basically does nothing and falls into ff_gen_search with the original
requested timestamp. If an index table could be built then
ff_seek_frame_binary would probably be fine as it is. Some other formats
have a simple read_seek that builds the index table and then calls
ff_seek_frame_binary. So Michael Bradshaw says it is not possible to build
an index table in this case.
Special seek code can always be available for any format but in this case
it just defaults to the generic seek code and ends up in ff_gen_search.
ff_gen_search is currently blind about any keyframes as far as I can tell
in this case. Your requested timestamp is unlikely to fall on a keyframe
and since there were no index entries. ff_gen_search does work if you have
seeked to a known keyframe timestamp.
ff_gen_search is the code that actually closes in on the timestamp and it
does appear to work for timestamps that represent actual keyframes. So you
probably don't want to modify ff_gen_search to do extra work in the case
when a timestamp is passed in that is known to represent a keyframe. These
known timestamps are typically retrieved from an index table.
ff_gen_search seems to be more of a subroutine that works off whatever you
pass it and used for reading the timestamp position.
So now we are back to needing a specialized read_seek function in this
case. This is because you probably don't want to modify the existing
generic seek functions. It is completely normal for various formats to
have a specialized read_seek function. The read_seek could be a modified
version of ff_gen_search or whatever that does the right thing.
Would be good if someone that knew for sure would comment on all this.
Ticket URL: <https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1607#comment:14>
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