[FFmpeg-trac] #1677(undetermined:new): x264 encoding with overlay fails ( moov atom not found)
trac at avcodec.org
Sun Aug 26 15:18:56 CEST 2012
#1677: x264 encoding with overlay fails ( moov atom not found)
Reporter: houbahop69 | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component:
Version: 0.11.1 | undetermined
Keywords: | Resolution:
Blocking: | Blocked By:
Analyzed by developer: 0 | Reproduced by developer: 0
Comment (by houbahop69):
Thank you for considering my remarks.
To answer you quetion you will find attached a bzip2 tar file containing 5
logs :
1. *./logFail3coding.txt* obtained by executing 3 encoding (mp4 webm
and ogv). Encoding succeeds but playing fails (see file logFfplayFail.txt)
2. *./logSuccess1coding.txt* obtained by executing mp4 encoding only.
Encoding and playing succeed (see file logFfplaySuccess.txt)
3. *./logSuccess3coding+1ms.txt* obtained by executing 3 encoding (mp4
webm and ogv) with 1ms cheat on. Encoding and playing succeed (see file
4. *./logFfplayFail.txt* log of unsuccessfull playing
5. *./logFfplaySuccess.txt* log of successfull playing
The encoding is not failing as the file produced has the same size (human
readable) in all cases, the problem seems to be linked with writing the
atom at the end of the file when multiple encoding. I have tried options
to write the atom at the beginning with no success but I am not familiar
with these questions and I may have misused the parameter.
I am using scripts to produce ffmpeg command and it is rather difficult to
remove parameters without getting into trouble while constructing the
command. It is really time-consuming... another solution might be to
remove by hand the parameters but I don't know what parameters can be
removed without breaking the command.
I am using ffmpeg from debian http://www.debian-multimedia.org/, I do not
compile any more from git after some trouble with ekiga dependencies, if
possible I would try to avoid compiling git source.
To answer you last question YES the problem occurs only when encoding the
three formats at the same time.
As the problem can be easily bypassed either by adding 1ms in duration or
separating the Three encodings I understand that it is not major,
nevertheless it is very annoying when you try to encode a small part of a
long file.
Thanks again for the great job.
Ticket URL: <https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1677#comment:2>
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