[FFmpeg-trac] #2049(build system:new): msvc: --extra-cflags="-MD" leads to unresolved externals
trac at avcodec.org
Thu Dec 20 18:21:54 CET 2012
#2049: msvc: --extra-cflags="-MD" leads to unresolved externals
Reporter: Piroxiljin | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: build
Version: git-master | system
Keywords: msvc | Resolution:
Blocking: | Blocked By:
Analyzed by developer: 0 | Reproduced by developer: 0
Comment (by Piroxiljin):
Replying to [comment:1 cehoyos]:
> Why do you want to add -MD to the compiler flags?
I use ffmpeg libraries, and my application and all other libraries are
linked with DLL run-time library.
MSDN: /MD, /MT, /LD (Use Run-Time Library) (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
-MD Causes your application to use the multithread- and DLL-specific
version of the run-time library.
-MT Causes your application to use the multithread, static version of
the run-time library.
Also, I found out that prefix {{{__imp__}}} appears when object-file
compiles with -MD. In another way (without -MD, or with -MT) all
unresolved symbols has another prefix.(I'm not sure, but I belive it just
underscore. I'll check it tomorrow. ) And those object-files (and static
libavutils.a) successfully linked with ffmpeg.exe
Ticket URL: <https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/2049#comment:2>
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