[FFmpeg-trac] #386(undetermined:open): Missing audio and subtitle streams in vob file
trac at avcodec.org
Sun Jan 29 00:19:16 CET 2012
#386: Missing audio and subtitle streams in vob file
Reporter: Aztek | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: open
Priority: normal | Component:
Version: unspecified | undetermined
Keywords: | Resolution:
Blocking: | Blocked By:
Analyzed by developer: 0 | Reproduced by developer: 0
Comment (by streamingguy):
Replying to [comment:20 Aztek]:
Hello Aztek,
Thank you for your reply! We are trying to encode for some commercial
purpose and hence want to use the watermark/logo.
Thank you for clarifying about this bugtracker. I tried with many encoders
from past 2 months and stuck with my encoding task. Hence, I thought of
bumping it so that somebody will see it easily.
Thank you once again!
> Good to hear `mplayer` did the trick.
> About the decent encoder-thing search: AFAIK, `mencoder` and a lot of
softwares are built on the top of `ffmpeg`. When you use `mencoder`, you
basically use `mplayer` to dump audio/video stream and then use the
embedded `ffmpeg` to encode to what you wants.
> About the problem with your testclip: there might be no audio because
audio stream might show up later in the file (your testclip is only ~1MB
long, audio might begin at 6MB). Well, since you said `mplayer
-dumpstream` did the trick, it's no problem anymore.
> About the watermark: please keep in mind this is annoying to see. There
is an how to there : http://www.idude.net/index.php/how-to-watermark-a
> If you want to keep credit for a video, update metadata of your file:
people won't bother to change it afterwards.
> Offtopic: streamguy, a bugtracker is not a forum: folks receive e-mails
each time you post something and post such as "Any update ?" are useless
(you don't give any extra information). Saying that the method did not
work IS an interesting extra piece of information. I understand that
"bumping" might be tempting but, unlike forums, every open threads are
reviewed once in a while. Don't take this wrong: it's great that you try
to help to enhance the software by reporting bugs! I'm just telling you to
be a bit patient.
> Replying to [comment:18 streamingguy]:
> > Hello Aztek,
> >
> > When you get few minutes, could you please update version and
component of this ticket? so that it will be addressed by corresponding
people easily?
> >
> > Thank you
Ticket URL: <https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/386#comment:23>
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