[FFmpeg-trac] #1079(undetermined:closed): Crop Keep_Aspect option not working
trac at avcodec.org
Mon Mar 19 14:55:58 CET 2012
#1079: Crop Keep_Aspect option not working
Reporter: ramitbhalla | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Component:
Version: unspecified | undetermined
Keywords: | Resolution: invalid
Blocking: | Blocked By:
Analyzed by developer: 0 | Reproduced by developer: 0
Comment (by cehoyos):
Replying to [comment:10 ramitbhalla]:
> 1. If setsar is put anywhere BUT the end it fails to change the sar
I tried the following two lines, the output looks very different, I
therefore assume the setsar filter also works if it is not put at the end
of the filter list:
$ ./ffmpeg -i tests/lena.pnm -vf setsar=1,crop=128 out1.avi
$ ./ffmpeg -i tests/lena.pnm -vf setsar=2,crop=128 out2.avi
Ticket URL: <https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1079#comment:14>
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