[FFmpeg-trac] #1866(undetermined:new): Half speed video output ts -> flv transcode
trac at avcodec.org
Tue Oct 30 11:33:03 CET 2012
#1866: Half speed video output ts -> flv transcode
Reporter: larvalho | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: undetermined
Version: 1.0 | Resolution:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Comment (by larvalho):
Replying to [comment:1 cehoyos]:
> I am not sure I understand:
> Is the original file supposed to play (ie with video and audio)?
> Or is the 10 minute delay intentional?
> In the first case, I would suspect this is a duplicate of ticket #424,
in the second case, I wonder how ffmpeg is supposed to transcode the
stream? Shouldn't it try hard to eliminate the A/V desync (leading to slow
or fast video)?
The original file does play in VLC, etc. without the delay, and with audio
correctly in sync. The 10 minute delay is not intentional, though it is
indicated in the above output:
Input #0, mpegts, from 'CAPTURE-HD2959dd_1970-01-02_01_26_49.ts':
Duration: 00:00:24.57, start: 599.983333, bitrate: 2824 kb/s
And with 'mediainfo -f':
Delay : 599983.333
Delay : 9mn 59s
Delay : 9mn 59s 983ms
Delay : 9mn 59s
Delay : 00:09:59.983
Delay_Source : Container
Delay : 600047.333
Delay : 10mn 0s
Delay : 10mn 0s 47ms
Delay : 10mn 0s
Delay : 00:10:00.047
Delay_Source : Container
Video delay : 64
Video delay : 64ms
Video delay : 64ms
Video delay : 64ms
Video delay : 00:00:00.064
Video0 delay : 64
Video0 delay : 64ms
Video0 delay : 64ms
Video0 delay : 64ms
Video0 delay : 00:00:00.064
So I suppose it should be honoured.
If I discard the audio when transcoding (-an), I get the same half speed
On another note, running the same file through ffmpegX (using a
particularly old version of ffmpeg) and HandBrake on OS X, I get no delay
and correctly synced (normal speed) video and audio.
Ticket URL: <https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1866#comment:2>
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