[FFmpeg-trac] #3649(avutil:new): Solaris Intel static libraries required AMD 3D NOW even though the CPU doesn't support
trac at avcodec.org
Mon Jun 2 02:02:31 CEST 2014
#3649: Solaris Intel static libraries required AMD 3D NOW even though the CPU
doesn't support
Reporter: bmitchel | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: minor | Component: avutil
Version: 2.2.1 | Resolution:
Keywords: solaris intel | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Comment (by cehoyos):
Replying to [comment:5 bmitchel]:
> Replying to [comment:4 cehoyos]:
> > Replying to [comment:3 bmitchel]:
> > > I tried compiling 2.2.2 on Solaris Intel and I'm failing to link
> >
> > Please test current FFmpeg git head.
> I will try this on a later build, but would prefer to use a stable
build. To date I have been working with FFMPEG 2.0
Please understand that there is nothing ''unstable'' about current git
head, it is exactly as stable as a release branch (but contrary to a
release branch, we support it also if you are not a distributor).
> > > bash ./configure --extra-cflags="-fPIC" --disable-mmx --disable-
protocol=udp --disable-encoder=nellymoser --cc=cc --cxx=CC --disable-doc
Why are you using {{{--extra-cflags="-fPIC"}}}?
Why not {{{--enable-pic}}} (or neither of them)?
> > Why are you using {{{--disable-mmx}}}? This seems like a very bad
option, don't you agree?
> I would agree yes, however I cannot get to compile/get to the linking
stage without this.
You should first take care about this important issue (that makes your
binaries unusable and imo unsupported - at least I consider --disable-mmx
a pure debug option).
> Possibly an Oracle Compiler issue, I am unsure but the original article
I used to help do an initial compile has stuck:
> http://chrismiles.livejournal.com/25439.html
This is so outdated that it has no relevance for your problem.
> If i exclude --disable-mmx, I get the compilation issue:
> CC libavfilter/vf_noise.o
> "vf_noise.c", [line_noise_avg_mmx]:ube: error: Cannot allocate register
for argument '%5' in GASM Inlining
(Generally, a line number would help, fortunately it is unneeded here.)
What does the following show?
{{{$ grep HAVE_EB config.h}}}
Could you test forcing one of them to 0?
This should lead to a permanent fix.
> cc: ube failed for libavfilter/vf_noise.c
> gmake: *** [libavfilter/vf_noise.o] Error 2
> > Are {{{--cc}}} and {{{-cxx}}} necessary? Why?
> So it doesn't pick up gcc to build with. We don't build with gcc, we
build with the Oracle Compiler.
Please do us all a favor and also test gcc.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/3649#comment:7>
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