[FFmpeg-trac] #726(undetermined:open): support for copying SMPTE 436M caption tracks
trac at avcodec.org
Thu Apr 9 12:18:57 CEST 2015
#726: support for copying SMPTE 436M caption tracks
Reporter: dericed | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: open
Priority: wish | Component:
Version: git-master | undetermined
Keywords: cc mxf | Resolution:
Blocking: | Blocked By:
Analyzed by developer: 0 | Reproduced by developer: 1
Comment (by funman):
Here is the 16 bytes header before CDP:
(bytes) - desc
(2) - Number of ANC packets
(2) - VANC Line number
(1) - Wrapping type (bit 4 is HANC if set, VANC if not).
bits 2-0:
1 == interlaced or spf frame
2 == field 1
3 == field 2
4 == progressive frame
(1) - payload sample config
4 == 8 bit luma
5 == 8 bit color difference
6 == 8 bit luma & color difference
7 == 10 bit luma
8 == 10 bit color difference
9 == 10 bit luma & color difference
10 == 8 bit luma with parity
11 == 8 bit color difference with parity
12 == 8 bit luma & color difference with parity
(2) - payload sample count (bytes following 16 bytes header)
(8) - ???
For the attached sample the last 8 bytes are 0000 004c 0000 0001, for
another sample I have it's 0000 0050 0000 0001
It could be some variation of the "ADF" Ancillary Data Flag which is 0x000
0x3ff 0x3ff
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/726#comment:10>
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