[FFmpeg-trac] #6574(undetermined:closed): ffmpeg butchers video quality when downscaling
trac at avcodec.org
Tue Aug 29 14:29:11 EEST 2017
#6574: ffmpeg butchers video quality when downscaling
Reporter: birdie | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Component:
Version: git-master | undetermined
Keywords: | Resolution: invalid
Blocking: | Blocked By:
Analyzed by developer: 0 | Reproduced by developer: 0
Comment (by oromit):
This was already discussed in IRC and could be traced back to breaking
aspect ratio with the scale resolution, which results in the DAR being a
bit weird, and the player applying scaling to correct for it.
Nothing going wrong here.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6574#comment:7>
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