[FFmpeg-trac] #6410(undetermined:new): "No NVENC capable devices found" when streaming the Desktop
trac at avcodec.org
Mon May 22 17:37:36 EEST 2017
#6410: "No NVENC capable devices found" when streaming the Desktop
Reporter: ThadeuMelo | Type:
Status: new | enhancement
Component: | Priority: wish
undetermined | Version: 3.0.7
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Summary of the bug:"No NVENC capable devices found" message when streaming
the Desktop.
How to reproduce:
Use nvenc as the codec
ffmpeg -re -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder" -vcodec nvenc
-preset llhq -an -f rtp rtp://
Patches should be submitted to the ffmpeg-devel mailing list and not this
bug tracker.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6410>
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