[FFmpeg-trac] #7336(avformat:closed): crash when the dash stream only has audio-pid

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Tue Aug 7 22:53:23 EEST 2018

#7336: crash when the dash stream only has audio-pid
             Reporter:  satbaby      |                    Owner:
                 Type:  defect       |                   Status:  closed
             Priority:  important    |                Component:  avformat
              Version:  git-master   |               Resolution:  fixed
             Keywords:  dash crash   |               Blocked By:
  SIGSEGV                            |  Reproduced by developer:  1
             Blocking:               |
Analyzed by developer:  0            |
Changes (by cehoyos):

 * status:  open => closed
 * resolution:   => fixed


 Fixed by Jacek Jendrzej in 2f45378ba14417cbb4fc9494ba941cb06443c4f9

Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/7336#comment:2>
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