[FFmpeg-trac] #7656(avformat:new): recording of .mpd list failed after 10 second recording

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Mon Jan 7 15:30:35 EET 2019

#7656: recording of .mpd list failed after 10 second recording
             Reporter:  Anan5a      |                    Owner:
                 Type:  defect      |                   Status:  new
             Priority:  normal      |                Component:  avformat
              Version:  git-master  |               Resolution:
             Keywords:  dash        |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:              |  Reproduced by developer:  1
Analyzed by developer:  0           |

Comment (by tbucher):

 Not a bug either. This stream is protected with Widevine DRM. You would
 need to provide Content Key for decryption, which is delivered only as
 part of a DRM license.

 It is common with some Widevine encryption tools to intentionally leave
 first 10 seconds unencrypted, that's also why you can get that part and
 not the encrypted rest.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/7656#comment:2>
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