[FFmpeg-trac] #8626(avfilter:reopened): pp=linblenddeint failure
trac at avcodec.org
Wed Apr 22 16:08:41 EEST 2020
#8626: pp=linblenddeint failure
Reporter: markfilipak | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: normal | Component: avfilter
Version: git-master | Resolution:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Changes (by markfilipak):
* status: closed => reopened
* resolution: needs_more_info =>
I hope this report helps.
'''Needed: Some way to upload 00001.018.m2ts (4,505,960,448 bytes).'''
(Upload to 'https://streams.videolan.org/upload/' failed because there's a
1 GB limit.)
ffmpeg version git-2020-04-20-cacdac8
ffmpeg -report -ss 0:00 -analyzeduration 5000000000 -probesize 5000000000
-i "C:\AVOut\foo\00001.018.m2ts" -filter_complex
-map 0 -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -codec:a copy -codec:s copy
Source file:
00001.018.m2ts (4,505,960,448 bytes)
-- Initial 18:35 of "Patton" blu-ray --
fails as outlined below.
(Note that this file: 00001.017.m2ts (4,255,629,312 bytes) -- Initial
17:23 of "Patton" blu-ray -- does not malfunction.)
- 00001.018.1.LOG
- 00001.018.m2ts.Startingnewclusterduetotimestamp.PNG -- [PE] Screen shot
at "Starting new cluster due to timestamp".
- 00001.018.m2ts.Cannotallocatememory.PNG -- [PE] Screen shot at "Cannot
allocate memory".
Windows 10 1803.
Physical memory: 32 GB.
Disk: 1 TB, SS RAID-0, 562 GiB free.
[PE] is Windows Sysinternals, Process Explorer
[MPV] is MPV player (Windows)
'''Processing Events:'''
[PE] Initial memory use is approx. 650 MiB.
[PE] Memory usage climbs from there.
Private Bytes: Rises steadily to approximately 123 GiB (Note 1).
Working Set: Stabilizes in 23 to 25 GiB range, up-down-up-down (Note
[PE] ffmpeg.exe runs 33 threads.
[ffmpeg] Displays continuous series of "Starting new cluster due to
timestamp" when [PE] Working Set reaches 8.8 GiB.
[ffmpeg] Displays "Error while filtering: Cannot allocate memory" when
[PE] Private Bytes reaches 123 GiB.
(Note 1) Since these allocations exceed the amount of physical memory, and
since I saw a process named "Memory Compression" open-close-open-close, I
assume that Private Bytes means virtual memory.
(Note 2) I assume Working Set is physical memory.
'''Playback of 00001.3.MKV:'''
[MPV] 00:00 - Total time starts at zero (instead of 18:35) and rises by
about 2x(Running time).
[MPV] 03:24 - Video freezes while audio continues. (Total time reads 8:24
at this time.)
[MPV] 08:24 - Running time reaches Total time. Total time begins rising
again, keeping 1 second ahead of Running time.
[MPV} 16:37 - Abruptly closes (early).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/8626#comment:36>
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