[FFmpeg-trac] #9073(undetermined:new): ffmpeg memory overflow when trimming 4K clips
trac at avcodec.org
Thu Jan 21 07:39:05 EET 2021
#9073: ffmpeg memory overflow when trimming 4K clips
Reporter: andykais | Type: defect
Status: new | Priority: normal
Component: | Version:
undetermined | unspecified
Keywords: memory | Blocked By:
filter_complex inputs |
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Summary of the bug:
I have discovered that trimming inputs on large 4K files can cause ffmpeg
to run out of memory computer (which has 16GB of ram). This appears to be
a bug with input trimming because the command only overflows memory when
the inputs are trimmed in the same command that contains a
`-filter_complex`. For comparison, I have ran the same command twice,
where the first case has inputs trimmed and saved as separate files. This
does not crash. The second case has a single large input which has its
inputs trimmed in the same command that renders the final output. This
does crash. The two commands are shown below, and log files as well as
memory profile graphs are attached.
The video input in both cases is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voprky8BrPw which was downloaded with
The first case (that does not crash):
# create separate inputs beforehand
for i in $(seq 0 9)
echo creating output-${i}.mp4
ffmpeg -v error -ss $(($i * 20)) -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-
file/Norway 4K - Winter in Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful
Nature and sound-voprky8BrPw.mkv' ./samples/oom-large-4k-
file/output-${i}.mp4 -y
# stitch them all together
ffmpeg \
-v 9 -loglevel 99 \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-0.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-1.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-2.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-3.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-4.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-5.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-6.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-7.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-8.mp4' \
-i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/output-9.mp4' \
-map '[v_out_9]' -filter_complex
[0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_0];
[0:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=0:all=1, volume=1[a_in_0];
[1:v] setpts=PTS+10.001/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_1];
[1:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=10001:all=1, volume=1[a_in_1];
[2:v] setpts=PTS+20.002/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_2];
[2:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=20002:all=1, volume=1[a_in_2];
[3:v] setpts=PTS+30.003/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_3];
[3:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=30003:all=1, volume=1[a_in_3];
[4:v] setpts=PTS+40.004/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_4];
[4:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=40004:all=1, volume=1[a_in_4];
[5:v] setpts=PTS+50.004999999999995/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_5];
[5:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=50004.99999999999:all=1,
[6:v] setpts=PTS+60.00599999999999/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_6];
[6:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=60005.99999999999:all=1,
[7:v] setpts=PTS+70.007/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_7];
[7:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=70007:all=1, volume=1[a_in_7];
[8:v] setpts=PTS+80.00800000000001/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_8];
[8:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=80008.00000000001:all=1,
[9:v] setpts=PTS+90.00900000000001/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_9];
[9:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=90009.00000000001:all=1,
[base][v_in_0] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_0];
[v_out_0][v_in_1] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_1];
[v_out_1][v_in_2] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_2];
[v_out_2][v_in_3] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_3];
[v_out_3][v_in_4] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_4];
[v_out_4][v_in_5] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_5];
[v_out_5][v_in_6] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_6];
[v_out_6][v_in_7] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_7];
[v_out_7][v_in_8] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_8];
[v_out_8][v_in_9] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_9];
amix=inputs=10 [audio]' \
-map '[audio]' \
template.mp4 -y \
2> ffmpeg-separate-inputs-logs.txt
The second case (which does crash)
ffmpeg \
-v 9 -loglevel 99 \
-ss 0 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 20 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 40 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 60 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 80 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 100 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 120 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 140 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 160 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-ss 180 -t 10 -i './samples/oom-large-4k-file/Norway 4K - Winter in
Norway - Relaxing Music with AMAZING Beautiful Nature and sound-
voprky8BrPw.mkv' \
-map '[v_out_9]' -filter_complex
[0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_0];
[0:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=0:all=1, volume=1[a_in_0];
[1:v] setpts=PTS+10.001/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_1];
[1:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=10001:all=1, volume=1[a_in_1];
[2:v] setpts=PTS+20.002/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_2];
[2:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=20002:all=1, volume=1[a_in_2];
[3:v] setpts=PTS+30.003/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_3];
[3:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=30003:all=1, volume=1[a_in_3];
[4:v] setpts=PTS+40.004/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_4];
[4:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=40004:all=1, volume=1[a_in_4];
[5:v] setpts=PTS+50.004999999999995/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_5];
[5:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=50004.99999999999:all=1,
[6:v] setpts=PTS+60.00599999999999/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_6];
[6:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=60005.99999999999:all=1,
[7:v] setpts=PTS+70.007/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_7];
[7:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=70007:all=1, volume=1[a_in_7];
[8:v] setpts=PTS+80.00800000000001/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_8];
[8:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=80008.00000000001:all=1,
[9:v] setpts=PTS+90.00900000000001/TB, scale=3840:2160 [v_in_9];
[9:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS, adelay=90009.00000000001:all=1,
[base][v_in_0] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_0];
[v_out_0][v_in_1] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_1];
[v_out_1][v_in_2] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_2];
[v_out_2][v_in_3] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_3];
[v_out_3][v_in_4] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_4];
[v_out_4][v_in_5] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_5];
[v_out_5][v_in_6] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_6];
[v_out_6][v_in_7] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_7];
[v_out_7][v_in_8] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_8];
[v_out_8][v_in_9] overlay=x=0:y=0:eof_action=pass [v_out_9];
amix=inputs=10 [audio]' \
-map '[audio]' \
template.mp4 -y \
2> ffmpeg-trimmed-inputs-logs.txt
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