[FFmpeg-trac] #9332(undetermined:new): Flickering white when using scale and zoompan
trac at avcodec.org
Thu Jul 15 19:13:14 EEST 2021
#9332: Flickering white when using scale and zoompan
Reporter: mucikiki | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component:
| undetermined
Version: unspecified | Resolution:
Keywords: zoompan | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Description changed by mucikiki:
Old description:
> Summary of the bug:
> When I try to zoom an image, if this image has a white background
> (255,255,255) I obtain an output with a variable white (between
> 255,255,255 and 255,254,255). It is ok with other colors.
> How to reproduce:
> {{{
> % ffmpeg -f image2 -loop 1 -t 6.2 -r 29.97 -i xxxx -c:v libx264
> -profile:v main -pix_fmt yuv420p -level:v 3.1 -crf 24 -color_primaries
> bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709 -y -filter_complex
> "[0:v]scale=12800x7200,zoompan=z='min(zoom+0.0015,1.5)':x='iw/2-(iw/zoom/2)':y='ih/2-(ih/zoom/2)':d=184:fps=29.97:s=1280x720,trim=duration=6.2[filtered]"
> ffmpeg version N-48944-g9b069eb14e-static
> https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
> built on gcc 6.3.0 (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 20170516
> }}}
> I can't upload my example, you can see here:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/728fuvdhc2a4gql/esempio%20tremolio%20per%20sito%20ffmpeg.mp4?dl=0
New description:
Summary of the bug:
When I try to zoom an image, if this image has a white background
(255,255,255) I obtain an output with a variable white (between
255,255,255 and 255,254,255). It is ok with other colors.
IMPORTANT: this only happens with big scale number, for example
scale=12800x7200. It is ok with scale=1280x720.
How to reproduce:
% ffmpeg -f image2 -loop 1 -t 6.2 -r 29.97 -i xxxx -c:v libx264 -profile:v
main -pix_fmt yuv420p -level:v 3.1 -crf 24 -color_primaries bt709
-color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709 -y -filter_complex
ffmpeg version N-48944-g9b069eb14e-static
built on gcc 6.3.0 (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 20170516
Input file:
Output video:
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/9332#comment:3>
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