[FFmpeg-trac] #9257(undetermined:new): -ss fast seek can use bad (damaged) i-frame as references
trac at avcodec.org
Sat May 22 23:29:56 EEST 2021
#9257: -ss fast seek can use bad (damaged) i-frame as references
Reporter: parbruek | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component:
| undetermined
Version: unspecified | Resolution:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Description changed by parbruek:
Old description:
> Summary of the bug:
> My apologies for what is a particularly minor bug, if it even qualifies
> as such. This is about the error handling of -ss before versus after the
> input line.
> According to the official documentation and wiki pages, when -ss is used
> before a video input, ffmpeg will seek via I-frames and merely use the
> nearest I-Frame as a starting point for decoding video. According to
> virtualdub, I have found several videos with false I-frames in their
> streams, followed by B-frames which contained complete frame info. When
> using the faster seek (-ss before input) from such an I-frame, ffmpeg
> will produce an initial grey frame, as well as attempting to repair the
> initial frame of the output, starting from any frame in the GOP after the
> false I-frame. However, if I use slow seek, or a combination of fast and
> slow seek, ffmpeg will recognize the false I-frame as such, and generate
> no grey frames or errors.
> How to reproduce.
> I don't know what videos you have available. That being said, if you have
> the extended edition of the fellowship of the ring on hand, take disc 1
> and check out the main film:
> {{{
> % ffmpeg -ss 6083.618 -i "C:\Video\THE LORD OF THE RINGS- THE FELLOWSHIP
> RING (EXT.) PT. 1_t02.mkv" -o test.mkv
> ffmpeg version 2021-05-19-git-2261cc6d8a
> }}}
> In this case, fast seek will attempt to decode using the false I-frame
> #145857, that is, the frame at 1:41:23.452. If ffmpeg uses slow seeking
> from an I-frame before 1:41:23.452, no error is encountered. If this bug
> is reproducible, would you consider updating the wiki page on seeking to
> mention the utility of using a combo of fast and slow seeking, until a
> time when fast seeking handles errors as well as slow seeking? It took me
> several hours to discover the bad I-frames and the fix, and I'd like to
> save the next person the time.
New description:
Summary of the bug:
My apologies for what is a particularly minor bug, if it even qualifies as
such. This is about the error handling of -ss before versus after the
input line.
According to the official documentation and wiki pages, when -ss is used
before a video input, ffmpeg will seek via I-frames and merely use the
nearest I-Frame as a starting point for decoding video. According to
virtualdub, I have found several videos with false I-frames in their
streams, followed by B-frames which contained complete frame info. When
using the faster seek (-ss before input) from such an I-frame, ffmpeg will
produce an initial grey frame, as well as attempting to repair the initial
frame of the output, starting from any frame in the GOP after the false
I-frame. However, if I use slow seek, or a combination of fast and slow
seek, ffmpeg will recognize the false I-frame as such, and generate no
grey frames or errors.
How to reproduce.
I don't know what videos you have available. That being said, if you have
the extended edition of the fellowship of the ring on hand, take disc 1
and check out the main film:
% ffmpeg -ss 6083.618 -i "C:\Video\THE LORD OF THE RINGS- THE FELLOWSHIP
(EXT.) PT. 1_t02.mkv" -o test.mkv
ffmpeg version 2021-05-19-git-2261cc6d8a
In this case, fast seek will attempt to decode using the false I-frame
145857, that is, the frame at 1:41:23.452. If ffmpeg uses slow seeking
from an I-frame before 1:41:23.452, no error is encountered. If this bug
is reproducible, would you consider updating the wiki page on seeking to
mention the utility of using a combo of fast and slow seeking, until a
time when fast seeking handles errors as well as slow seeking? It took me
several hours to discover the bad I-frames and the fix, and I'd like to
save the next person the time.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/9257#comment:1>
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