[FFmpeg-trac] #9520(ffmpeg:new): Invalid pal8 -> gbrp conversion

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Sun Nov 21 00:09:04 EET 2021

#9520: Invalid pal8 -> gbrp conversion
             Reporter:  Robin        |                     Type:  defect
               Status:  new          |                 Priority:  normal
            Component:  ffmpeg       |                  Version:  4.4.1
             Keywords:  pal8, gbrp,  |               Blocked By:
  pix_fmt                            |
             Blocking:               |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0            |
 Summary of the bug:
 ffmpeg is not correctly converting pal8 input to gbrp output. I discovered
 this when encoding optimized PNGs to UTVideo.

 Here is the first 30 first frames from Elephants Dream:

 The package contains both the original PNGs from Xiph and the optimized
 PNGs I created with oxipng. The original PNGs are all 24 bit. But the
 optimized ones are a mixed of 1bit, 8bit and 24bit.

 Copying and pasting my post from doom9 forums:

 I tested the release builds and master branch from gyan and Btbn.

 How to reproduce:
 1. Encode the 30 frames to FFV1 and UTVideo:

 ffmpeg -i ED-30-xiph-source\%05d.png -c:v ffv1 ED-xiph_ffv1.mkv
 ffmpeg -i ED-30-xiph-source\%05d.png -c:v utvideo ED-xiph_utvideo.mkv
 ffmpeg -i ED-30-opt\%05d.png -pix_fmt bgr0 -c:v ffv1 ED-opt_ffv1.mkv
 ffmpeg -i ED-30-opt\%05d.png -c:v utvideo ED-opt_utvideo.mkv

 NOTE: The pix_fmt bgr0 command is necessary when encoding from the
 optimized files to prevent ffmpeg from encoding to greyscale since the
 first optimized PNG is 1-bit color. It is actually not necessary for
 UTvideo since it does support a grey or mono colorspace so will default to
 the appropriate pixel format.

 2. Export all videos and PNGs to BMPs:

 ffmpeg -i ED-30-xiph-source\%05d.png BMP\ED-xiph-%02d.bmp
 ffmpeg -i ED-30-opt\%05d.png -pix_fmt bgr24 BMP\ED-opt-%02d.bmp
 ffmpeg -i ED-xiph_ffv1.mkv BMP\ED-xiph_ffv1-%02d.bmp
 ffmpeg -i ED-xiph_utvideo.mkv BMP\ED-xiph_utvideo-%02d.bmp
 ffmpeg -i ED-opt_ffv1.mkv BMP\ED-opt_ffv1-%02d.bmp
 ffmpeg -i ED-opt_utvideo.mkv BMP\ED_opt_utvideo-%02d.bmp

 3. Perform checksum on all results.
 I find all BMPs have the same MD5 checksum except:

 ED_opt_utvideo-12.bmp 02a34fc1e347889d5546b547fa63e6af
 ED_opt_utvideo-13.bmp ca40ed9fc4acc827a4a77051433f0102
 ED_opt_utvideo-14.bmp e3666199f35234756dddac97b8e18488

 The above are sourced from the 8-bit optimized PNGs.

 The correct MD5 is as following:

 ED-xiph_utvideo-12.bmp ba5d92ca99726d837859b4b05795d317
 ED-xiph_utvideo-13.bmp 735ee7c8b493855480fd0f5847a66132
 ED-xiph_utvideo-14.bmp b509c3ac24e3543e1f59a7f1456e924d

 Which are sourced from the original Xiph PNGs that are all 24-bit.

 Adding -pix_fmt to the source (before -i) did not fix the issue. Someone
 on doom9 found that specifying the conversion process to bgr0 (What FFV1
 uses) then to UTVideo's gbrp solves the problem:

 ffmpeg -i "PATH\ED-30-opt\%05d.png" -vf format=bgr0,format=gbrp -c:v
 utvideo ED-opt_bgr0_gbrp_utvideo.mkv

 Which means the pal8 input (which ED_opt_utvideo-12 though 14 are)
 conversion directly to gbrp has an issue. It is possible other output
 conversions may have errors as well.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/9520>
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