[FFmpeg-trac] #9877(undetermined:new): ffmpeg core dumped error when map webvtt subtitles
trac at avcodec.org
Mon Aug 15 16:51:13 EEST 2022
#9877: ffmpeg core dumped error when map webvtt subtitles
Reporter: tudge | Type: defect
Status: new | Priority: important
Component: | Version: git-
undetermined | master
Keywords: webvtt | Blocked By:
subtitles |
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
ffmpeg giving core dumped, segmentation fault error when adding webvtt
subtitles to mapping on any MKV file or Live stream encoding.
Without subtitles all working fine.
Here is the code I use:
ffmpeg \
-hwaccel cuvid -init_hw_device cuda:1 \
-v 9 -loglevel debug \
-report \
-i "any.mkv" \
-filter_complex \
"[0:v]yadif_cuda=0:-1:0,split=4[v1][v2][v3][v4]; \
[v1]scale_cuda=w=1920:h=1080:interp_algo=lanczos[v1out]; \
[v2]scale_cuda=w=1280:h=720:interp_algo=lanczos[v2out]; \
[v3]scale_cuda=w=848:h=480:interp_algo=lanczos[v3out]; \
[v4]scale_cuda=w=640:h=360:interp_algo=lanczos[v4out]" \
-map [v1out] -c:v:0 h264_nvenc -b:v:0 5M -maxrate:v:0 6M -minrate:v:0 3M
-bufsize:v:0 6M -profile:v main -preset p7 \
-map [v2out] -c:v:1 h264_nvenc -b:v:1 3M -maxrate:v:1 3M -minrate:v:1 1M
-bufsize:v:1 6M -profile:v main -preset p7 \
-map [v3out] -c:v:2 h264_nvenc -b:v:2 1M -maxrate:v:2 1M -minrate:v:2 1M
-bufsize:v:2 2M -profile:v main -preset p7 \
-map [v4out] -c:v:3 h264_nvenc -b:v:3 500K -maxrate:v:3 500K -minrate:v:3
300K -bufsize:v:3 1M -profile:v main -preset p7 \
-map a:0 -c:a:0 aac -b:a:0 128k -ac 2 \
-map a:1 -c:a:1 aac -b:a:1 128k -ac 2 \
-c:s webvtt \
-map s:0 \
-map s:1 \
-f hls \
-hls_playlist_type vod \
-hls_time 6 \
-hls_list_size 0 \
-hls_allow_cache 1 \
-hls_segment_filename "" \
-hls_subtitle_path ""
-var_stream_map "a:0,agroup:aud,name:RU,language:Русский,default:YES
v:0,name:1080p,agroup:aud,s:0 v:1,name:720p,agroup:aud,s:1
v:2,name:480p,agroup:aud v:3,name:360p,agroup:aud"
"" \
-master_pl_name master.m3u8
full output with logs in attached file.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/9877>
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