[FFmpeg-trac] #8009(avformat:new): hls demuxer does not handle pid changes after EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Thu Jan 19 22:15:08 EET 2023

#8009: hls demuxer does not handle pid changes after EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY
             Reporter:  Aman        |                    Owner:  (none)
                 Type:  defect      |                   Status:  new
             Priority:  normal      |                Component:  avformat
              Version:  git-master  |               Resolution:
             Keywords:  hls         |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:              |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0           |
Comment (by Vraz):

 Ran into a variation of this while adding OTT live playback (like Pluto)
 to my player using 4.3.2 libs. During playback, the hls demuxer
 concatenates segments and passes to the subdemuxer as continuous media. At
 least for mpegts, concatenating segments is only valid for media that was
 mastered together. mpegts does not support the arbitrary concatenation of
 random segments and that is what happens at a discontinuity.

 If you crack the log level up, you will likely see:
 "Continuity check failed for pid %d expected %d got %d" at transitions of
 non-related segments.
 You can find the corresponding code in mpegts.c by searching on the
 ironically wrong comment: /* continuity check (currently not used) */
 (which is very much used). Once the corruption occurs, all kinds of "bad
 things" happen to the streams. Most common seems to be -1 stream types
 that eventually overflow the stream table.

 The workaround is changing hls to advertise segment boundaries to mpegts
 so the latter can prepare for the change. In my experiments, making mpegts
 detect a seek between discontinuous segments solved the issue. My proof of
 concept triggers the mpegts seek code between every segment though don't
 think that is fully hls compliant.

 In hls.c/read_data:
   ret = read_from_url(v, seg, buf, buf_size);
   if (ret > 0) { ... }
 + if (avio_feof(v->input))
 +   v->ctx->io_repositioned = (v->pb.pos+ret) & 0x7fffffff;

 In mpegts.c/handle_packets:
     ts->last_pos = avio_tell(s->pb);
 +   if (s->io_repositioned == (ts->last_pos & 0x7fffffff))
 +     ts->last_pos = 0;
     return ret;

 Reusing AVFormatContext::io_repositioned required stripping the stream
 position to 31-bits. With a couple extra lines of code, setting the
 advertisement could be conditional on a prior #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY to be
 more standards compliant. Your app must disable
 AVFormatContext::ts_overflow (else it will trigger improperly) and the app
 must performs its own DTS/PTS resequencing.

 Also, additional streams will get added during playback. After a couple
 hours of Pluto and its commercials, there were 16 h264 streams, 1 aac and
 1 timed_id3. The "merge_pmt_versions" might help, though its non-trivial
 to set as hls does not pass options down to the subdemuxer.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/8009#comment:6>
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