[FFmpeg-trac] #10394(undetermined:new): nlmeans_vulkan green frame

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Thu Jun 1 14:01:41 EEST 2023

#10394: nlmeans_vulkan green frame
             Reporter:  Jacky        |                     Type:  defect
  Koning                             |
               Status:  new          |                 Priority:  normal
            Component:               |                  Version:
  undetermined                       |  unspecified
             Keywords:               |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:               |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0            |
 Summary of the bug: using nlmeans_vulkan replaces the first frame with a
 green frame and also does not seem to do any nlmeans stuff at all. Playing
 around with the variables does not change the output in any way. (Tested
 with other files.)
 How to reproduce:
 First I created a testsrc file
 ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=10:size=1280x720:rate=30 -c:v
 av1_nvenc -preset p7 -pix_fmt p010le -cq 20 testsrc.mp4

 Then I took the minimum command to get nlmeans_vulkan to work.
 ffmpeg -init_hw_device vulkan=vk:0 -filter_hw_device vk -i testsrc.mp4 -vf
 "hwupload,nlmeans_vulkan,hwdownload,format=yuv420p10le" -y -c:v av1_nvenc
 -cq 20 nlmeans.mp4
 ffmpeg version 2023-05-31-git-baa9fccf8d-full_build-www.gyan.dev


Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10394>
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