[FFmpeg-trac] #9755(undetermined:new): gapless playback of *some* MP3 files destroyed
trac at avcodec.org
Wed Mar 1 01:58:02 EET 2023
#9755: gapless playback of *some* MP3 files destroyed
Reporter: Christoph | Owner: (none)
Anton Mitterer |
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component:
| undetermined
Version: unspecified | Resolution:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Comment (by Christoph Anton Mitterer):
Hey Balling.
First, please have a look at the messages starting with:
A while ago (April last year) I've had that re-checked and it seemed at
first that now it works.
However, I then checked it again with the very same (gapless) WAV files
that I've had used in the beginning... and with them I still heard some
distortion (a tiny but audible pop).
So conclusion from that is, that it seems to depend on the source file,
whether it works or not.
I've just repeated the test with versions as of current Debian unstable,
that is:
lame 3.100
mpv 0.35.1
ffmpeg 5.1.2
First I take my original WAVs, encode them with lame via:
lame --verbose -q 0 -v -V 4 --noreplaygain --id3v2-utf16 --add-id3v2
--id3v1-only a.wav
lame --verbose -q 0 -v -V 4 --noreplaygain --id3v2-utf16 --add-id3v2
--id3v1-only a.wav
Then I check whether the resulting MP3s play back gaplessly (with no
mpv a.mp3 b.mp3
=> that works (or at least I cannot hear anything).
Then I do:
ffmpeg -i 16.mp3 -acodec copy -y a.mp3
ffmpeg -i 17.mp3 -acodec copy -y b.mp3
and checking again with:
mp4 a.mp3 b.mp3
=> there is no real gap, but as said above, there's still an audible click
If you need my source file I could share them in private with you (not
sure whether the material is copyrighted).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/9755#comment:2>
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