[FFmpeg-trac] #10288(avfilter:new): defect: concat does not skip video errors
trac at avcodec.org
Tue Mar 28 22:12:04 EEST 2023
#10288: defect: concat does not skip video errors
Reporter: Lyubomir | Owner: (none)
Filipov |
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: avfilter
Version: 4.3.5 | Resolution:
Keywords: concat | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Description changed by Lyubomir Filipov:
Old description:
> Summary of the bug:
> I am using concat in order to create a timelapse video. However, it
> happens, that from 50GB files a single file is corrupt. The corruption
> consists in the following:
> When playing the video, it starts normally but at some exact time, 5
> seconds from it cannot be played. ffplay outputs errors
> [aac @ 0x55bdaf31c3c0] Number of bands (13) exceeds limit
> (8).itrate=21842.8kbits/s speed=36.3x
> Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing
> input
> but after skipping these 5 seconds, the playback continues. This is ok,
> the file is corrupt and I do not care about these 5 seconds.
> The problem is with concat. I have a list of files and I do not know if
> there is a problem in any of them. Their total length is 5 hours and
> their total size is 50GB.
> when concat encounters the same problematic file, it outputs the error:
> [aac @ 0x55e6c2a369c0] Number of bands (13) exceeds limit
> (8).itrate=21771.2kbits/s speed=34.8x
> Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing
> input
> [concat @ 0x55e6c259d140] h264_mp4toannexb filter failed to receive
> output packet
> timelapse_test/list-tiny.txt: Invalid data found when processing input
> and stops without even trying to skip the error or even ignoring the file
> at all
> Both playing the file with vlc or ffplay or even converting it with
> ffmpeg have the proper behavior - they skip the problematic area (5
> seconds) and continue the video playback
> I even noticed that the error is related to the aac audio codec. As I do
> not need audio in the timelapse that I am creating, I added the -an
> option in order to ignore audio. Now converting with ffmpeg does not
> result in error, but converting with concat still produces an error and
> aborts the processing.
> Creating a timelaps video this way is very tedious. I have to start the
> process, which takes hours, and if there is an error, I have to find the
> erroneous video (concat does not even print the file name which has
> caused an error), manually find the problematic area, convert it so that
> I crop this area, put it back in the file list and start the timelapse
> again... until the next error.
> I have also tried running ffprobe on the problematic video, but it does
> not find any error - it seems that it does not scan the entire file
> How to reproduce:
> {{{
> (concat example with a single file)
> % ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(echo file
> '/media/nuclear/0000-0001/DCIM/Movie/2023_0318_111248_005.MP4') -vcodec
> copy -an concat-copy.mp4
> result:
> [concat @ 0x55d676fae180] h264_mp4toannexb filter failed to receive
> output packet/s speed=54.7x
> /dev/fd/63: Invalid data found when processing input
> frame=12641 fps=3297 q=-1.0 Lsize= 558073kB time=00:03:30.66
> bitrate=21701.3kbits/s speed=54.9x
> video:558011kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global
> headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.011056%
> The resulting video length is 3:30, where the problematic area start. If
> there are multiple files in the list, the processing will stop on the
> first corrupt file, which breaks processing multiple files using concat
> (no concat)
> ffmpeg -i /media/nuclear/0000-0001/DCIM/Movie/2023_0318_111248_005.MP4
> -vcodec copy -an file-copy.mp4
> result: (no errors)
> frame=18000 fps=4000 q=-1.0 Lsize= 780377kB time=00:04:59.98
> bitrate=21310.7kbits/s speed=66.7x
> video:780291kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global
> headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.011070%
> The resulting video has the entire length (5 minutes). At 3:30 it freezes
> for 5 seconds and then continues normally (which is the expected
> behavior, as the input file is corrupted)
> ffmpeg version 4.3.1-4ubuntu1 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg
> developers
> built with gcc 10 (Ubuntu 10.2.0-9ubuntu2)
> Happens also on
> ffmpeg version 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg
> developers
> built with gcc 11 (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1)
> }}}
New description:
Summary of the bug:
I am using concat in order to create a timelapse video. However, it
happens, that from 50GB files a single file is corrupt. The corruption
consists in the following:
When playing the video, it starts normally but at some exact time, 5
seconds from it cannot be played. ffplay outputs errors
[aac @ 0x55bdaf31c3c0] Number of bands (13) exceeds limit
(8).itrate=21842.8kbits/s speed=36.3x
Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input
but after skipping these 5 seconds, the playback continues. This is ok,
the file is corrupt and I do not care about these 5 seconds.
The problem is with concat. I have a list of files and I do not know if
there is a problem in any of them. Their total length is 5 hours and their
total size is 50GB.
when concat encounters the same problematic file, it outputs the error:
[aac @ 0x55e6c2a369c0] Number of bands (13) exceeds limit
(8).itrate=21771.2kbits/s speed=34.8x
Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input
[concat @ 0x55e6c259d140] h264_mp4toannexb filter failed to receive output
timelapse_test/list-tiny.txt: Invalid data found when processing input
and stops without even trying to skip the error or even ignoring the file
at all
Both playing the file with vlc or ffplay or even converting it with ffmpeg
have the proper behavior - they skip the problematic area (5 seconds) and
continue the video playback
I even noticed that the error is related to the aac audio codec. As I do
not need audio in the timelapse that I am creating, I added the -an option
in order to ignore audio. Now converting with ffmpeg does not result in
error, but converting with concat still produces an error and aborts the
Creating a timelapse video this way is very tedious. I have to start the
process, which takes hours, and if there is an error, I have to find the
erroneous video (concat does not even print the file name which has caused
an error), manually find the problematic area, convert it so that I crop
this area, put it back in the file list and start the timelapse again...
until the next error.
I have also tried running ffprobe on the problematic video, but it does
not find any error - it seems that it does not scan the entire file
How to reproduce:
(concat example with a single file)
% ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(echo file
'/media/nuclear/0000-0001/DCIM/Movie/2023_0318_111248_005.MP4') -vcodec
copy -an concat-copy.mp4
[concat @ 0x55d676fae180] h264_mp4toannexb filter failed to receive output
packet/s speed=54.7x
/dev/fd/63: Invalid data found when processing input
frame=12641 fps=3297 q=-1.0 Lsize= 558073kB time=00:03:30.66
bitrate=21701.3kbits/s speed=54.9x
video:558011kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB
muxing overhead: 0.011056%
The resulting video length is 3:30, where the problematic area start. If
there are multiple files in the list, the processing will stop on the
first corrupt file, which breaks processing multiple files using concat
(no concat)
ffmpeg -i /media/nuclear/0000-0001/DCIM/Movie/2023_0318_111248_005.MP4
-vcodec copy -an file-copy.mp4
result: (no errors)
frame=18000 fps=4000 q=-1.0 Lsize= 780377kB time=00:04:59.98
bitrate=21310.7kbits/s speed=66.7x
video:780291kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB
muxing overhead: 0.011070%
The resulting video has the entire length (5 minutes). At 3:30 it freezes
for 5 seconds and then continues normally (which is the expected behavior,
as the input file is corrupted)
ffmpeg version 4.3.1-4ubuntu1 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg
built with gcc 10 (Ubuntu 10.2.0-9ubuntu2)
Happens also on
ffmpeg version 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg
built with gcc 11 (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1)
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10288#comment:4>
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