[FFmpeg-trac] #11136(ffprobe:new): FFprobe DTS and documentation errors

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Mon Aug 12 23:42:27 EEST 2024

#11136: FFprobe DTS and documentation errors
             Reporter:  markfilipak  |                    Owner:  (none)
                 Type:  defect       |                   Status:  new
             Priority:  normal       |                Component:  ffprobe
              Version:  git-master   |               Resolution:
             Keywords:  ffprobe DTS  |               Blocked By:
  docs                               |
             Blocking:               |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0            |
Comment (by markfilipak):

 Replying to [comment:3 Balling]:
 > >Of course I have no idea why there's no PTSes
 > That is simple, only one time it says
 > PTS_DTS_flags: 3
 > all others say
 > PTS_DTS_flags: 0

 Duh? No. That is why no PTS or DTS is shown. I have no idea why there is
 no TSes. I have no idea what tool Paramount used in 2010. It just seems
 strange to me, as I'll bet it seems strange to you.

 Please tell me what it is about what you write that has anything to do
 with FFprobe getting the DTSes of the I-frames wrong. FFmpeg is making up
 PTSes for the B-frames, but shows N/A for each and every P-frame. I ran
 into two of these monstrosities in a row, on the same day.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11136#comment:5>
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