[FFmpeg-trac] #10923(ffmpeg:new): crash when encode with libx265

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Fri Aug 16 20:11:21 EEST 2024

#10923: crash when encode with libx265
             Reporter:  Viacheslav   |                    Owner:  (none)
                 Type:  defect       |                   Status:  new
             Priority:  normal       |                Component:  ffmpeg
              Version:  unspecified  |               Resolution:
             Keywords:  crash        |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:               |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0            |
Comment (by Henrique Andrade):

 Fwiw, I also see a similar crash when encoding directly from HDHomeRun
 encoder as follows:

 ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -threads 1 -loglevel error -i
 'http://hdhr2:5004/auto/v2.1?duration=1800' -s 1920x1080 -preset ultrafast
 -c:v libx265 -crf 23 -max_muxing_queue_size 9999 -c:a mp3 -strict -2
 [mpeg2video @ 0x5d5115f4dd40] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
 x265 [info]: HEVC encoder version 3.5+1-f0c1022b6
 x265 [info]: build info [Linux][GCC 13.2.0][64 bit] 8bit+10bit+12bit
 x265 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast LZCNT SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX
 x265 [info]: Main profile, Level-4 (Main tier)
 x265 [info]: Thread pool created using 4 threads
 x265 [info]: Slices                              : 1
 x265 [info]: frame threads / pool features       : 2 / wpp(34 rows)
 x265 [info]: Coding QT: max CU size, min CU size : 32 / 16
 x265 [info]: Residual QT: max TU size, max depth : 32 / 1 inter / 1 intra
 x265 [info]: ME / range / subpel / merge         : dia / 57 / 0 / 2
 x265 [info]: Lookahead / bframes / badapt        : 5 / 3 / 0
 x265 [info]: b-pyramid / weightp / weightb       : 1 / 0 / 0
 x265 [info]: References / ref-limit  cu / depth  : 1 / off / off
 x265 [info]: AQ: mode / str / qg-size / cu-tree  : 1 / 0.0 / 32 / 1
 x265 [info]: Rate Control / qCompress            : CRF-23.0 / 0.60
 x265 [info]: tools: rd=2 psy-rd=2.00 early-skip rskip mode=1 tmvp fast-
 x265 [info]: tools: strong-intra-smoothing lslices=6 deblock
 corrupted size vs. prev_size

 I tested and repro'ed this using the statically built versions from 4.3.2
 to 7.0.1 (Linux builds from https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-
 linux). As well as the natively shipped version on Ubuntu 24.02, which is:

 ffmpeg version 6.1.1-3ubuntu5 Copyright (c) 2000-2023 the FFmpeg
 built with gcc 13 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu3)
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10923#comment:5>
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