[FFmpeg-trac] #11203(avformat:new): Broken input duration may cause unnecessarily hang
trac at avcodec.org
Sat Sep 28 13:26:54 EEST 2024
#11203: Broken input duration may cause unnecessarily hang
Reporter: milahu | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: avformat
Version: 6.1.1 | Resolution:
Keywords: matroska | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0
Analyzed by developer: 0 |
Comment (by milahu):
> a workaround is to get the actual duration of the audio track
> and limit the transcoding process with `-to $src_adur`
this works only in some cases
in other cases
ffmpeg hangs before the actual audio track duration
there is no "File ended prematurely" error message
but also here, the transcoding speed slowly drops to zero
in all cases:
- input samplerate is 48KHz
- loudnorm filter changes samplerate to 192KHz = 4 * 48KHz
- output samplerate is 48KHz
- resampling is done by soxr
- input duration is an odd number of samples
so my guess is that
soxr is waiting for an even number of samples
but the input is exhausted
and ffmpeg does not send "null samples" to soxr
to produce an even number of samples
it works with temporary files
where soxr can see the end of file
example: ffmpeg hangs at 99.77%
this is with the audio alone
cd $(mktemp -d)
aria2c --seed-time=0
cd ffmpeg-hangs-at-File-ended-prematurely-2
chmod +x repro2.sh
# with "-ss 0" ffmpeg hangs at
# size= 246429kB time=00:21:54.28 bitrate=1536.0kbits/s speed=0.0518x
# time: 21:54.28 of 21:57.31 = 1314.28 of 1317.31 = 99.77%
# samples: 1314.28*48000 of 1317.31*48000 = 63085440 of 63230880
# note: in this case, there is no "File ended prematurely" error
set -eu
# eac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 224 kb/s
-ss 21:54 # hangs at 0.29 -> 21:54 + 0.29 = 21:54.29
# -to 00:21:57.31
# 21:57.31 - 21:54 = 57.31 - 54 = 3.31
# 3.31 * 48_000 = 158880
# 3.31 * 192_000 = 635520
# 192_000 / 48_000 = 4
# -ss 0 # hangs at 21:54.28
# -ss 21:34 # hangs at 20.29 -> 21:34 + 20.29 = 21:54.29
# -ss 21:35
# -ss 21:36
# -ss 21:37 # hangs at 17.28 -> 21:37 + 17.28 = 21:54.28
# -ss 21:38
# -ss 21:39 # hangs at 15.28 -> 21:39 + 15.28 = 21:54.28
# -ss 21:40
# -ss 21:41 # hangs at 13.29 -> 21:41 + 13.29 = 21:54.29
# -ss 21:42
# -ss 21:43 # hangs at 11.29 -> 21:43 + 11.29 = 21:54.29
# -ss 21:44
# -ss 21:45 # hangs at 9.29 -> 21:45 + 9.29 = 21:54.29
# -ss 21:46
# -ss 21:47 # hangs at 7.29 -> 21:47 + 7.29 = 21:54.29
# -ss 21:48
# -ss 21:49
# -ss 21:50
# -ss 21:51
# -ss 21:52 # hangs at 2.28 -> 21:52 + 2.28 = 21:54.28
# -ss 21:53
# -ss 21:54 # hangs at 0.29 -> 21:54 + 0.29 = 21:54.29
# -ss 21:54.1
# -ss 21:54.2
# -ss 21:54.21
# -ss 21:54.22
# -ss 21:54.23
# -ss 21:54.24
# -ss 21:54.25
# -ss 21:54.26
# -ss 21:54.27
# -ss 21:54.28
# this is needed here to produce an odd number of samples for soxr
# actual input duration
-to 00:21:57.31
-i "$i"
# -map 0:a:1
-resampler soxr
-ar 48000
-f wav
set -x
"${a[@]}" >/dev/null
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11203#comment:4>
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