[FFmpeg-trac] #11402(undetermined:new): opus file generated by ffmpeg cannot be decoded with opus-tools

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Mon Jan 6 11:16:04 EET 2025

#11402: opus file generated by ffmpeg cannot be decoded with opus-tools
             Reporter:  Saafo   |                    Owner:  (none)
                 Type:  defect  |                   Status:  new
             Priority:  normal  |                Component:  undetermined
              Version:  7.1     |               Resolution:
             Keywords:          |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:          |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0       |
Comment (by Saafo):

 Found another interesting thing: converting the mp4 file to wav, and
 convert wav to opus will be ok:

 % ffmpeg audio.mp4 audio.wav
 % ffmpeg audio.wav audio.opus

 check with `opus-tools`:

 % opusinfo audio.opus
 Processing file "audio.opus"...

 New logical stream (#1, serial: 3b8b7d6b): type opus
 Encoded with Lavf61.7.100
 User comments section follows...
         encoder=Lavc61.19.100 libopus
 Opus stream 1:
         Pre-skip: 312
         Playback gain: 0 dB
         Channels: 1
         Original sample rate: 48000 Hz
         Packet duration:   20.0ms (max),   20.0ms (avg),   20.0ms (min)
         Page duration:   1000.0ms (max),  836.0ms (avg),  180.0ms (min)
         Total data length: 30213 bytes (overhead: 1.61%)
         Playback length: 0m:04.160s
         Average bitrate: 58.1 kbit/s, w/o overhead: 57.17 kbit/s
 Logical stream 1 ended

 % opusdec audio.opus audio.wav
 Decoding to 48000 Hz (1 channel)
 Encoded with Lavf61.7.100
 encoder=Lavc61.19.100 libopus
 Decoding complete.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11402#comment:2>
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