[FFmpeg-user] Covnert for iPod

Jonathan Isom jeisom at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 16:31:09 CET 2011

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:41 AM, . <peace at aleksandrsolzhenitsyn.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I wrote before but didn't get any replies.
> Here's the situation;
> My hard drive wrecked and was unrecoverable.
> The machine is running XP.
> I used CopyTrans to successfully (believe it or not) to move ALL of my
> iPod's music and videos over to the new hard drive with a new install on
> iTunes.
> For whatever reason my iPod no longer plays certain videos completely or
> can't be transferred from iTunes to the iPod.  But, the same videos will
> play perfectly when played from the hard drive.  The same thing happens
> when I download a video from Youtube (360- mp4) and try to put it on the
> iPod- it plays locally but won't transfer to the iPod (iTunes says the
> format isn't compatible or some such nonsense).  Another problem is that
> the videos on the iPod will play part way through and then will appear
> in fast motion until the end of the video.
> I did have a backup of all the music and videos on a separate drive and
> have tried using those videos in case there was some corruption which
> occurred during the transfer from the iPod back to the new hard drive.
> The same thing happens as stated above.
> Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
> Is the following assumption correct?
> 1.  When a video is downloaded from Youtube in mp4 format that video has
> a specific audio format, bit rate, aspect ratio which unless converted
> to a format that iPod's will "read" it can't be played successfully on
> an iPod's.
> If the assumption is correct, what is a FFMPEG code line to convert the
> video so it'll play on an iPod?  Which do you use?

I use the following for mine. You may be able, depending on
generation/type of ipod, to raise the resolution.
1500000 is the max bitrate for video on early ipod touches. Adjust to
to your needs or wants.

ffmpeg -i <INPUT>  -y -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -preset
medium -level 30 \
-b:v 1500000 -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ab 128000 -f mp4 -s 640x480  <OUTPUT>



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