[FFmpeg-user] FFmpeg in Android Platform - Too slow...

Víctor Paesa victorpaesa at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 29 12:20:17 CEST 2012


On 7/27/12, Jorge Fonseca wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need to create a video from a set of images in Android Platform.
> The simple way is ro execute a command like this:
>  - ffmpeg -i INPUT_%d.png OUTPUT.mpg
> For 450 frames/images (*1280x720*), the duration time is around *60s* - its
> very slow....... I tried many image and FFmpeg options/formats/codecs but
> the durations are similar...
> If i reduce frame size to 640x480 the duration reaches around 50s.
> -----------------------
> Please, let me know if someone knows how to simply this command execution
> and improving ffmpeg performance...
> -----------------------
> Note. I executed *ffmpeg *throw *command line* and *Android NDK layer*.

Android devices often shine on low power consumption, but rarely on
high CPU speed.
Two posibilities:
- Use a CPU with more than one core, and in ffmpeg use -threads, and a
codec that supports multithreading (MPEG2, h264).
- Use a CPU with NEON instructions, and a ffmpeg build optimized for NEON.


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