[FFmpeg-user] Can you encode lossless Motion JPEG 2000 videos with ffmpeg using the right command line arguments?

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Tue Jun 19 08:50:51 CEST 2012

Shyamal Chandra <shyamalc <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Can you encode lossless Motion JPEG videos with ffmpeg using the right
> command line arguments?

Yes, FFmpeg supports both lossless jpeg and jpeg-ls, the codecs names 
are ljpeg and jpegls.

> I want to convert an uncompressed AVI into a lossless Motion JPEG 2000.

FFmpeg contains a native j2k encoder that does not support lossless 
encoding, and supports encoding j2k via the external library libopenjpeg.
I don't know of my head how to lossless encode with libopenjpeg, 
perhaps try -fixed_quality.

Carl Eugen

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