[FFmpeg-user] Live streaming using ffmpeg

TERRY WILSON twilson7755 at rogers.com
Sat Mar 10 16:49:14 CET 2012

I want to input a continous stream of images into FFmpeg (using a NamedPipe) and send the resulting continuous video stream out through a NamedPipe and then subsequently to an HTML5 based client application utilizing the video tag.

I have the input and output mechanisms working but I am not sure about the format I should be using for the output video stream.  I was going to use MP4 but I have read a couple of posts that suggest MP4 is not an appropriate format for a continuous video stream.  I was hoping that someone here could clarify this for me and suggest what video format could be used for a continuous output stream that can be generated by ffmpeg and subsequently displayed by the HTML5 video tag.

Note I tried an intermediate step where I simply write the output stream I received through the NamedPipe to a mp4 file.  The resultant file is not recognized as a valid mp4 file.  If I change my ffmpeg command to write the output directly to an mp4 file, then the resultant file does display correctly. The two files appear almost identical except that the one I wrote based on the output from the NamedPipe is about 68 bytes longer then the valid one (also when viewed in a binary editor, the files are identical except near the end)  If I try to use ffplay to display the video, it says "moov atom not found".  Perhaps this is related to my first question about trying to stream mp4.  Just to be clear here are the two different ffmpeg commands I was trying:
ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -r 20 -sameq -i //./pipe/InputPipe -an mytest.mp4      (resultant mp4 file works)
ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -r 20 -sameq -i //./pipe/InputPipe -an //./pipe/OutputPipe.mp4  (file generated by writing output from pipe does not work)
Any suggestions on what output video format should be used and why my intermediate test doesn't work would be appreciated.

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