[FFmpeg-user] visualising Filtergraphs

Tim Nicholson nichot20 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 14 10:57:26 CEST 2012

I am trying to use graph2dot, as per


but failing miserably.
For example:-

> echo "scale=iw/2:ih/2:interl=1" | \
graph2dot -o graph.tmp && dot -Tpng graph.tmp \
-o graph.png && display graph.png
Input pad "default" for the filter "Parsed_scale_0" of type "scale" not
connected to any source

I have tried adding -i infile and -vf in front, and then it complains
about "No such filter: -vf" etc.

The actual filter string works fine in a real ffmpeg command line.

I'm obviously missing something simple, but could anyone enlighten me

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