[FFmpeg-user] Behavior of igndts

Ory Drilon ory at drilon.com
Tue Apr 16 12:57:25 CEST 2013

Uploaded a chopped down file to
http://www1.datafilehost.com/d/01827038since I'm behind a proxy that
won't let me go on ftp.

The following ffmpeg call produces a 46 second output. The original file
actually runs for 27 seconds.
ffmpeg -y -loglevel warning -i doubling_dts -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vf
scale=292:240,fps=fps\=25 -ac 2 -vcodec libx264 -acodec libvo_aacenc
-scodec mov_text -b:v 150k -b:a 16k -f mp4 without_igndts.mp4

Adding +igndts like below produces a video of the correct length and size.
Note that the filesize of the erroneous output above is larger.
ffmpeg -fflags +igndts -y -loglevel warning -i doubling_dts -map 0:0 -map
0:1 -vf scale=292:240,fps=fps\=25 -ac 2 -vcodec libx264 -acodec
libvo_aacenc -scodec mov_text -b:v 150k -b:a 16k -f mp4 with_igndts.mp4

In the meantime, are there any consequences to simply adding +igndts for
the rest of files I'm converting even if most of them don't have this issue?

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