[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg Unknown encoder 'libx264' error

Ned Haskin feanor2112 at covad.net
Mon Aug 5 19:50:11 CEST 2013

On Mon, 2013-08-05 at 12:31 +0000, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> Ned Haskin <feanor2112 <at> covad.net> writes:
> > ffmpeg version 2.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2013 the FFmpeg developers
> If you are a user (and not a distributor) please use git head.
> >   built on Jul 29 2013 13:49:23 with gcc 4.7 (Debian 4.7.2-5)
> >   configuration: 
> This means you compiled without x264 support ...
> > Unknown encoder 'libx264'
> ... so it cannot be used.
> Carl Eugen Hoyos
Carl, my ./configure for ffmpeg has --enable-libx264 as show in my 1st post. Also in the 1st post libmp3lame, libtwolame 
and libxvid gave the same error when I tried to use them. All are installed with -dev or were compiled --enable-shared. 

ned337 at vid:~/ffmpeg$ make clean
ned17 at videoathlon:~/ffmpeg$ ./configure --enable-libdc1394 --prefix=/usr --extra-cflags='-Wall -g ' --enable-gpl 
--enable-shared --enable-nonfree --enable-libx264  --enable-encoder=libx264 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libvorbis 
--enable-libtwolame --enable-libv4l2 --enable-pthreads --enable-libfaac --enable-libxvid --enable-postproc 
--enable-x11grab --enable-libtheora --disable-stripping --enable-avfilter --enable-libfreetype --enable-opencl 
--enable-version3 --enable-libopenjpeg --disable-altivec --disable-armv5te --disable-armv6 --disable-vis
install prefix            /usr
source path               .
C compiler                gcc
ARCH                      x86 (generic)
big-endian                no
runtime cpu detection     yes
yasm                      yes
MMX enabled               yes
MMXEXT enabled            yes
3DNow! enabled            yes
3DNow! extended enabled   yes
SSE enabled               yes
SSSE3 enabled             yes
AVX enabled               yes
FMA4 enabled              yes
i686 features enabled     yes
CMOV is fast              yes
EBX available             yes
EBP available             yes
debug symbols             yes
strip symbols             no
optimize for size         no
optimizations             yes
static                    yes
shared                    yes
postprocessing support    yes
new filter support        yes
network support           yes
threading support         pthreads
safe bitstream reader     yes
SDL support               yes
opencl enabled            yes
texi2html enabled         yes
perl enabled              yes
pod2man enabled           yes
makeinfo enabled          yes

External libraries:
iconv			libopenjpeg		libx264
libdc1394		libtheora		libxvid
libfaac			libtwolame		opencl
libfreetype		libv4l2			x11grab
libmp3lame		libvorbis		zlib

Enabled decoders:
aac			bmv_audio		idf
aac_latm		bmv_video		iff_byterun1
aasc			brender_pix		iff_ilbm
ac3			c93			imc
adpcm_4xm		cavs			indeo2
adpcm_adx		cdgraphics		indeo3
adpcm_afc		cdxl			indeo4
adpcm_ct		cinepak			indeo5
adpcm_dtk		cljr			interplay_dpcm
adpcm_ea		cllc			interplay_video
adpcm_ea_maxis_xa	comfortnoise		jacosub
adpcm_ea_r1		cook			jpeg2000
adpcm_ea_r2		cpia			jpegls
adpcm_ea_r3		cscd			jv
adpcm_ea_xas		cyuv			kgv1
adpcm_g722		dca			kmvc
adpcm_g726		dfa			lagarith
adpcm_ima_amv		dirac			libopenjpeg
adpcm_ima_apc		dnxhd			libvorbis
adpcm_ima_dk3		dpx			loco
adpcm_ima_dk4		dsicinaudio		mace3
adpcm_ima_ea_eacs	dsicinvideo		mace6
adpcm_ima_ea_sead	dvbsub			mdec
adpcm_ima_iss		dvdsub			microdvd
adpcm_ima_oki		dvvideo			mimic
adpcm_ima_qt		dxa			mjpeg
adpcm_ima_rad		dxtory			mjpegb
adpcm_ima_smjpeg	eac3			mlp
adpcm_ima_wav		eacmv			mmvideo
adpcm_ima_ws		eamad			motionpixels
adpcm_ms		eatgq			movtext
adpcm_sbpro_2		eatgv			mp1
adpcm_sbpro_3		eatqi			mp1float
adpcm_sbpro_4		eightbps		mp2
adpcm_swf		eightsvx_exp		mp2float
adpcm_thp		eightsvx_fib		mp3
adpcm_xa		escape124		mp3adu
adpcm_yamaha		escape130		mp3adufloat
aic			evrc			mp3float
alac			exr			mp3on4
als			ffv1			mp3on4float
amrnb			ffvhuff			mpc7
amrwb			ffwavesynth		mpc8
amv			flac			mpeg1_vdpau
anm			flashsv			mpeg1video
ansi			flashsv2		mpeg2video
ape			flic			mpeg4
ass			flv			mpeg4_vdpau
asv1			fourxm			mpeg_vdpau
asv2			fraps			mpegvideo
atrac1			frwu			mpl2
atrac3			g2m			msa1
aura			g723_1			msmpeg4v1
aura2			g729			msmpeg4v2
avrn			gif			msmpeg4v3
avrp			gsm			msrle
avs			gsm_ms			mss1
avui			h261			mss2
ayuv			h263			msvideo1
bethsoftvid		h263i			mszh
bfi			h263p			mts2
bink			h264			mvc1
binkaudio_dct		h264_vdpau		mvc2
binkaudio_rdft		huffyuv			mxpeg
bintext			iac			nellymoser
bmp			idcin			nuv
paf_audio		rawvideo		v210x
paf_video		realtext		v308
pam			rl2			v408
pbm			roq			v410
pcm_alaw		roq_dpcm		vb
pcm_bluray		rpza			vble
pcm_dvd			rv10			vc1
pcm_f32be		rv20			vc1_vdpau
pcm_f32le		rv30			vc1image
pcm_f64be		rv40			vcr1
pcm_f64le		s302m			vima
pcm_lxf			sami			vmdaudio
pcm_mulaw		sanm			vmdvideo
pcm_s16be		sgi			vmnc
pcm_s16be_planar	sgirle			vorbis
pcm_s16le		shorten			vp3
pcm_s16le_planar	sipr			vp5
pcm_s24be		smackaud		vp6
pcm_s24daud		smacker			vp6a
pcm_s24le		smc			vp6f
pcm_s24le_planar	smvjpeg			vp8
pcm_s32be		snow			vplayer
pcm_s32le		sol_dpcm		vqa
pcm_s32le_planar	sonic			wavpack
pcm_s8			sp5x			webp
pcm_s8_planar		srt			webvtt
pcm_u16be		ssa			wmalossless
pcm_u16le		subrip			wmapro
pcm_u24be		subviewer		wmav1
pcm_u24le		subviewer1		wmav2
pcm_u32be		sunrast			wmavoice
pcm_u32le		svq1			wmv1
pcm_u8			svq3			wmv2
pcm_zork		tak			wmv3
pcx			targa			wmv3_vdpau
pgm			targa_y216		wmv3image
pgmyuv			text			wnv1
pgssub			theora			ws_snd1
pictor			thp			xan_dpcm
pjs			tiertexseqvideo		xan_wc3
png			tiff			xan_wc4
ppm			tmv			xbin
prores			truehd			xbm
prores_lgpl		truemotion1		xface
ptx			truemotion2		xl
qcelp			truespeech		xsub
qdm2			tscc			xwd
qdraw			tscc2			y41p
qpeg			tta			yop
qtrle			twinvq			yuv4
r10k			txd			zero12v
r210			ulti			zerocodec
ra_144			utvideo			zlib
ra_288			v210			zmbv

Enabled encoders:
a64multi		libopenjpeg		pgm
a64multi5		libtheora		pgmyuv
aac			libtwolame		png
ac3			libvorbis		ppm
ac3_fixed		libx264			prores
adpcm_adx		libx264rgb		prores_aw
adpcm_g722		libxvid			prores_ks
adpcm_g726		ljpeg			qtrle
adpcm_ima_qt		mjpeg			r10k
adpcm_ima_wav		movtext			r210
adpcm_ms		mp2			ra_144
adpcm_swf		mpeg1video		rawvideo
adpcm_yamaha		mpeg2video		roq
alac			mpeg4			roq_dpcm
amv			msmpeg4v2		rv10
ass			msmpeg4v3		rv20
asv1			msvideo1		s302m
asv2			nellymoser		sgi
avrp			pam			snow
avui			pbm			sonic
ayuv			pcm_alaw		sonic_ls
bmp			pcm_f32be		srt
cljr			pcm_f32le		ssa
comfortnoise		pcm_f64be		subrip
dca			pcm_f64le		sunrast
dnxhd			pcm_mulaw		svq1
dpx			pcm_s16be		targa
dvbsub			pcm_s16be_planar	tiff
dvdsub			pcm_s16le		tta
dvvideo			pcm_s16le_planar	utvideo
eac3			pcm_s24be		v210
ffv1			pcm_s24daud		v308
ffvhuff			pcm_s24le		v408
flac			pcm_s24le_planar	v410
flashsv			pcm_s32be		vorbis
flashsv2		pcm_s32le		wmav1
flv			pcm_s32le_planar	wmav2
g723_1			pcm_s8			wmv1
gif			pcm_s8_planar		wmv2
h261			pcm_u16be		xbm
h263			pcm_u16le		xface
h263p			pcm_u24be		xsub
huffyuv			pcm_u24le		xwd
jpeg2000		pcm_u32be		y41p
jpegls			pcm_u32le		yuv4
libfaac			pcm_u8			zlib
libmp3lame		pcx			zmbv

Enabled hwaccels:
h263_vaapi		mpeg2_vaapi		vc1_vaapi
h263_vdpau		mpeg2_vdpau		vc1_vdpau
h264_vaapi		mpeg4_vaapi		wmv3_vaapi
h264_vdpau		mpeg4_vdpau		wmv3_vdpau

Enabled parsers:
aac			dvd_nav			mpegvideo
aac_latm		dvdsub			png
ac3			flac			pnm
adx			gsm			rv30
bmp			h261			rv40
cavsvideo		h263			tak
cook			h264			vc1
dca			mjpeg			vorbis
dirac			mlp			vp3
dnxhd			mpeg4video		vp8
dvbsub			mpegaudio

Enabled demuxers:
aac			hls			pcm_u16be
ac3			ico			pcm_u16le
act			idcin			pcm_u24be
adf			idf			pcm_u24le
adp			iff			pcm_u32be
adx			ilbc			pcm_u32le
aea			image2			pcm_u8
afc			image2pipe		pjs
aiff			ingenient		pmp
amr			ipmovie			pva
anm			ircam			pvf
apc			iss			qcp
ape			iv8			r3d
aqtitle			ivf			rawvideo
asf			jacosub			realtext
ass			jv			redspark
ast			latm			rl2
au			lmlm4			rm
avi			loas			roq
avr			lvf			rpl
avs			lxf			rsd
bethsoftvid		m4v			rso
bfi			matroska		rtp
bink			mgsts			rtsp
bintext			microdvd		sami
bit			mjpeg			sap
bmv			mlp			sbg
boa			mm			sdp
brstm			mmf			segafilm
c93			mov			shorten
caf			mp3			siff
cavsvideo		mpc			smacker
cdg			mpc8			smjpeg
cdxl			mpegps			smush
concat			mpegts			sol
data			mpegtsraw		sox
daud			mpegvideo		spdif
dfa			mpl2			srt
dirac			mpsub			str
dnxhd			msnwc_tcp		subviewer
dsicin			mtv			subviewer1
dts			mv			swf
dtshd			mvi			tak
dv			mxf			tedcaptions
dxa			mxg			thp
ea			nc			tiertexseq
ea_cdata		nistsphere		tmv
eac3			nsv			truehd
epaf			nut			tta
ffm			nuv			tty
ffmetadata		ogg			txd
filmstrip		oma			vc1
flac			paf			vc1t
flic			pcm_alaw		vivo
flv			pcm_f32be		vmd
fourxm			pcm_f32le		vobsub
frm			pcm_f64be		voc
g722			pcm_f64le		vplayer
g723_1			pcm_mulaw		vqf
g729			pcm_s16be		w64
gif			pcm_s16le		wav
gsm			pcm_s24be		wc3
gxf			pcm_s24le		webvtt
h261			pcm_s32be		wsaud
h263			pcm_s32le		wsvqa
h264			pcm_s8			wtv
wv			xmv			yop
xa			xwma			yuv4mpegpipe

Enabled muxers:
a64			image2pipe		pcm_s24be
ac3			ipod			pcm_s24le
adts			ircam			pcm_s32be
adx			ismv			pcm_s32le
aiff			ivf			pcm_s8
amr			jacosub			pcm_u16be
asf			latm			pcm_u16le
asf_stream		m4v			pcm_u24be
ass			matroska		pcm_u24le
ast			matroska_audio		pcm_u32be
au			md5			pcm_u32le
avi			microdvd		pcm_u8
avm2			mjpeg			psp
bit			mkvtimestamp_v2		rawvideo
caf			mlp			rm
cavsvideo		mmf			roq
crc			mov			rso
data			mp2			rtp
daud			mp3			rtsp
dirac			mp4			sap
dnxhd			mpeg1system		segment
dts			mpeg1vcd		smjpeg
dv			mpeg1video		smoothstreaming
eac3			mpeg2dvd		sox
f4v			mpeg2svcd		spdif
ffm			mpeg2video		srt
ffmetadata		mpeg2vob		stream_segment
filmstrip		mpegts			swf
flac			mpjpeg			tee
flv			mxf			tg2
framecrc		mxf_d10			tgp
framemd5		null			truehd
g722			nut			vc1
g723_1			ogg			vc1t
gif			oma			voc
gxf			pcm_alaw		w64
h261			pcm_f32be		wav
h263			pcm_f32le		webm
h264			pcm_f64be		webvtt
hls			pcm_f64le		wtv
ico			pcm_mulaw		wv
ilbc			pcm_s16be		yuv4mpegpipe
image2			pcm_s16le

Enabled protocols:
cache			gopher			pipe
concat			hls			rtmp
crypto			http			rtmpt
data			httpproxy		rtp
ffrtmphttp		md5			srtp
file			mmsh			tcp
ftp			mmst			udp

Enabled filters:
aconvert		curves			nullsink
aecho			dctdnoiz		nullsrc
aevalsrc		decimate		overlay
afade			delogo			owdenoise
aformat			deshake			pad
ainterleave		drawbox			pan
allpass			drawgrid		perms
alphaextract		drawtext		perspective
alphamerge		earwax			pixdesctest
amerge			ebur128			pp
amix			edgedetect		psnr
amovie			equalizer		removelogo
anull			extractplanes		rgbtestsrc
anullsink		fade			rotate
anullsrc		field			sab
apad			fieldmatch		scale
aperms			fieldorder		select
aphaser			format			sendcmd
aresample		fps			separatefields
aselect			framestep		setdar
asendcmd		geq			setfield
asetnsamples		gradfun			setpts
asetpts			haldclut		setsar
asetrate		haldclutsrc		settb
asettb			hflip			showinfo
ashowinfo		highpass		showspectrum
asplit			histeq			showwaves
astats			histogram		silencedetect
astreamsync		hqdn3d			sine
atempo			hue			smartblur
atrim			idet			smptebars
avectorscope		il			smptehdbars
bandpass		interlace		split
bandreject		interleave		spp
bass			join			stereo3d
bbox			kerndeint		super2xsai
biquad			life			swapuv
blackdetect		lowpass			telecine
blackframe		lut			testsrc
blend			lut3d			thumbnail
boxblur			lutrgb			tile
cellauto		lutyuv			tinterlace
channelmap		mandelbrot		transpose
channelsplit		mcdeint			treble
color			movie			trim
colorbalance		mp			unsharp
colorchannelmixer	mpdecimate		vflip
colormatrix		mptestsrc		vignette
concat			negate			volume
copy			noformat		volumedetect
crop			noise			yadif
cropdetect		null

Enabled bsfs:
aac_adtstoasc		mjpeg2jpeg		mp3_header_decompress
chomp			mjpega_dump_header	noise
dump_extradata		mov2textsub		remove_extradata
h264_mp4toannexb	mp3_header_compress	text2movsub

Enabled indevs:
alsa			lavfi			v4l2
dv1394			libdc1394		x11grab
fbdev			oss

Enabled outdevs:
alsa			sdl			v4l2

License: nonfree and unredistributable
Creating config.mak, config.h, and doc/config.texi...
libavutil/avconfig.h is unchanged
ned337 at vid:~/ffmpeg$ 

It looks enabled to me and I will install git. 
I have the entire make cl output too, if you need it. 

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