[FFmpeg-user] FFmpeg CPU usage

Lou lou at lrcd.com
Mon Aug 12 22:50:05 CEST 2013

On Mon, 12 Aug 2013 20:20:42 +0000 (UTC)
Pete <pjjuliana216 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a huge number of videos to transcode. The quality of the videos vary 
> from low to medium. DVD quality is probably the highest quality. I have ffmpeg 
> and libx264 compiled with pthreads and I use -threads 0 in my call to ffmpeg 
> but I'm still not seeing 100% usage on all the cores. I need to maximize cpu 
> usage since I'm not trying to transcode videos for a month straight. 
> Here is the ffmpeg call I'm using:
> ffmpeg -y -i "$i" -c:v libx264 -preset fast -b:v "$VID_BIT" -threads 0 -c:a 
> libfdk_aac -b:a "$AUD_BIT" -f mp4 /"$OUT_DIR"/"$MD5"

Please provide an actual, unscripted command and the complete ffmpeg
console output.

-threads 0 is default for this encoder.

> I really hope it does since I need the audio to be able to stream in a
> browser and aac works very well for that purpose. 

If your viewers with watch using progressive download then consider
adding "-movflags faststart". This will reloate the moov atom so the
video does not have to be completely downloaded before playback begins.

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