[FFmpeg-user] Confusion about fieldmatch, decimate and framerate (now with yadif)

Nicholas Robbins nickrobbins at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 8 15:24:48 CET 2013

> On Sunday, December 8, 2013 3:43 AM, L. Lee <llee040 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > I didn¹t access your video, please tell me how. In the meantime, I used
> your process to rip a DVD so I could try some things. I couldn¹t use .mkv
> as the name extension of the source file, but once I changed it to .mpg, I
> could use the following. The output is OK from beginning to end even when
> I performed it on the full 90-minute title. Mine was an old 4X3 source.

I don't know how you can get access to incoming, but thanks for the shot. My method works for most dvds, this one source is the exception rather than the rule.

> ffmpeg -y -i Œdd-vob-short.mpg' -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vf
> "fieldmatch=order=tff:combmatch=none,fps=fps=24000/1001" -pix_fmt 
> yuv420p
> -c:v libx264 -preset slower -tune film -crf 18 -x264opts
> keyint=40:bitrate=2100:qpmin=8:qpmax=38:qpstep=4 -c:a:0 libfaac -b:a:0
> 256k 'dd-vob-short.detelecine.m4v'

IIUC, combmatch=none will label no frames as interlaced. So you wouldn't get any errors like I am getting no matter what. I added that option to my command and it didn't complain anymore, but it did still produce interlaced frames. 

I tried changing the extension to mpg and I had the same output as before. I had assumed ffmpeg was smarter than that.

> Laine Lee

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