[FFmpeg-user] RGB uncompressed: Which format to use?

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sun Feb 17 17:33:45 CET 2013

Peter B. <pb <at> das-werkstatt.com> writes:

> There seems to be a problem with bgrp10le being 
> converted to rgb444le, and decoded to false colors.
> Nothing urgent (for me), but I thought I'd still 
> create a trac-ticket (#2274) for this [1].
> Sounded a bit like issue #1058 [2].

It is very similar to #1058 but I fear that #1058 
was already documented in the nut documentation 
when the ticket was opened, but this may not be 
the case for your ticket.
(Honestly: I did not check...)

Thank you for opening the ticket!

Carl Eugen

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