[FFmpeg-user] Compile ffmpeg libx264 not found

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Jun 25 19:22:44 CEST 2013

Am 25.06.2013 16:50, schrieb AS:
> Thank you for providing such a good open source player library!
> I encountered some problems when compiling ffmpeg. "ERROR: libx264 not found".
> I'm sure I have installed x264, Here are the steps of compiling ffmpeg:
> 1, x264
>     . / Configure - enable-static
>     make
>     make install
>     Successfully compile x264

this is *not* enough for a static build
x264 must not link to other dynamic libraries

./configure --enable-static
 --disable-opencl \
 --disable-avs \
 --disable-cli \
 --disable-ffms \
 --disable-gpac \
 --disable-lavf \

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