[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg created prores 444 still not identified correctly by Quicktime player?

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed May 15 17:56:28 CEST 2013

Sam Marrocco <smarrocco <at> ringsidecreative.com> writes:

> If ffmpeg is creating a 444 prores per the provided 
> arguments why wouldn't QT Player identify it as such?

Because there are some magic values that we don't know.

As long as playback works, I don't think there is 
anything to worry at all.

(Although you can still try to produce a prores4444 
file with FCP that allows to see the difference when 
encoded with 422. Then reencode the original 4444 
file with ffmpeg to test if it is decoded incorrectly.)

Carl Eugen

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