[FFmpeg-user] Decoding continuous stream of I-frame+P/B frames block.

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu Nov 13 22:45:29 CET 2014

Anil Jangam <anilj.mailing <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Can you also elaborate what do you mean by - "Valid 
> (h264) streams exist that do not contain I-frames, 
> only P- (and B-) frames."?

I meant that streams without any I-frames exist and 
are valid. (I don't know if this has anything to do 
with your question.)

>   - When does an I-frame is used?

In frames without I-frames, I-frames are never used.
Recovery points exist instead, but they can be 

I don't now if GOP intervals have any relevance in 
such a case (probably not).

> Hope this is more clear.

No, sorry.

Please try not to top-post here, Carl Eugen

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