[FFmpeg-user] Common Encryption support

Raphael Mazelier raph at futomaki.net
Mon Dec 19 21:04:27 EET 2016

Hello guys,

I am a new comer in the pseudo streaming world (I work for a major 
french broadcast channel). One of my current project is to implement DRM 
widevine protection (sigh).

I've read that someone add the common encryption support to ffmpeg which 
was perfect, but the doc is a bit lacky on this point.
Anyone have working example on how to use it ? does it work with live 
stream (rtmp to rtmp for example) .

Are dash packager agnostic on video encrypted with cenc ?
(I use my custom nginx-rtmp module). Does it make sense to implement it 
in nginx-rtmp directly ?


Raphael Mazelier

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