[FFmpeg-user] Reading directly from .iso DVD image

Etienne Desautels etienne.desautels at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 22:53:19 CET 2016

On 2016-01-08, at 04:18, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>>> mplayer -dumpstream is recommended but if it's 
>>> not needed for your specific usecase, the better!
>> What do you mean by "not needed for your specific usecase"? 
> I believe that you wrote that FFmpeg works for you 
> directly on the iso file: If it does there is - afaict - 
> no need for another solution.

I was meaning that it works for a very small test, not that it was working on a large scope of inputs...

After more tests I hit some problems with some videos:
ffmpeg -hide_banner  -i /mnt/archivescollection/test_file.iso -f null -af ebur128=peak=true:framelog=verbose -vf idet,cropdetect=0.12:2:1 -y /dev/null /mnt/archivescollection/test_file.iso: Invalid data found when processing input

Those .iso works when mounted manually.

>> Which usecases are not supported by ffmpeg but
>> supported by mplayer -dumpstream?
> I think I never tried anything but using mplayer -dumpstream.

OK, understood.

Thanks for your time.

Etienne Desautels

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