[FFmpeg-user] cannot allocate memory

Madovsky infos at madovsky.org
Mon Jun 6 22:09:16 CEST 2016

On 6/6/2016 1:06 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 06.06.2016 um 22:03 schrieb Madovsky:
>> On 6/6/2016 2:52 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> Am 06.06.2016 um 10:17 schrieb Madovsky:
>>>> for info a thread dated from march 11 2016 relates the same problem 
>>>> with
>>>> amix.
>>>> I use amix in my command too
>>>> here is the log:
>>>> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
>>> besides the topic - it's not very smart (to say it polite) call
>>> everything with sudo, especially not something dealing with multimedia
>>> files but in general - do not put sudo in front of anything you call
>> well, not very smart is maybe not the word to use for this case (a
>> little too exagerated in good English)
>> anyhow before to call me silly, ask me if I use it in a nobody user
>> script....
> it don't matter where you use it - there are only *very few* cases 
> when someone should use sudo at all - this is not one of them
> P.S.:
> your quoting stlye is horrible - stip all the footers and signatures

ok man, what's wrong with you today?
rather than insult and put down people here, give a good solution

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