[FFmpeg-user] man ffmpeg absent

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Jul 18 16:55:42 EEST 2017

Am 18.07.2017 um 15:45 schrieb ILJA SHEBALIN:
> Anatoly, thanks for such an informative response. It looks like its tougher than I thought with all this compiling and alike. I think I forgot to mention that I wanted something as online independent as .docset. One more question: when I type "ffmpeg --help" (with a bunch of options) I see some help info as to output of every option supplied to ffmpeg. Does that make for a perfect equivalent of "man" pages?

besides compile software is not rocket science

no it does not because it can and should only give some basic hints 
while a manpage is much more verbose, you could have answered that by 
yourself by just compare it with https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html and 
think about can this be "perfect equivalent"

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