[FFmpeg-user] How can I get rtmp with ffmpeg? Setting swfsize and hash? >

Sinan Aksu sinanksu at gmail.com
Fri May 12 15:42:12 EEST 2017

Hello there,

It works with rtmpdump but I can not run it with ffmpeg. I need to set
swfsize and hash, but I can not set it.

Rtmpdump running version: rtmpdump -r rtmpe:// -a xlive
-f WIN 23,0,0,162 -s http://sportstream365.com/swf/VideoPlayer.swf -w
5aaaa32059cba732636c28519b2ce34a3568f1058a8bd02d6a932643554ccbb4 -x 585534
-p 'http://sportstream365.com/viewer?game=109968871' -C S:client -C
S: -C S:en --live -y raw:600238

Could you give a sample ffmpeg command.

Thank you

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