[FFmpeg-user] Converting pictures to video

Anwuli Okwuashi anwuli.okwuashi at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 23:11:34 EET 2019

Newbie alert!
I am unable to recreate an animation I found on stata blog

local GraphPath "C:\Users\jch\AnimatedGraphics\example\"
winexec "C:\Program Files\FFmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i `GraphPath'graph_%03d.png
    -b:v 512k `GraphPath'graph.mpg

 My code: ran without errors but no video was created
local GraphPath "C:\Users\analyst\Desktop\STATA\projects\animation\"
winexec "C:\FFmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i `GraphPath'i_diff_%.png -b:v

Any idea why mine isn't working? I use windows 10.
Thank you,

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