[FFmpeg-user] Why was patch declined: Modified force_key_frames option to accept frame numbers?

Nick vincent at systemli.org
Sun Feb 17 03:28:01 EET 2019

>> I think scene cut detection is different using different resolutions.
>> If I turn off the detection I can align the segmentation using key_frames.
I calculated the I-Frame positions from a already segmented video with a
different resolution.
When I disabled scenedetection and placed them manually while encoding
using force_key_frame it worked!
BUT, I miss 8 I-Frames because they are not packed into seperate chunks.
If I now insert all I-Frames (obtained from the video with different
resolution), the alignment is displaced again. :(
Is there a way to select the I-Frame where the video gets split into chunks?
Is there a limit for the minimum filesize for a chunk?
Can I split on each I-frame?
So obtain +8 video chunks?

Thanks for your help. :)

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