[FFmpeg-user] getting blured video.

AMIT KUMAR amitksoft8 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 09:31:22 EET 2019


I have webm and wav file when i mix up together using command line i am
getting blurred video not seems clear can any one help me to get mp4 video
without any hazy effect or blurred effect.

Command line :

1). "-i 588041.webm -i 588041.wav  -filter_complex
[0:a][1:a]amix=inputs=2:duration=longest  -preset ultrafast -vf
scale=1280:720  588041.mp4"                    //This one i implementing

2).  "-i 588041.webm -i 588041.wav  -filter_complex
[0:a][1:a]amix=inputs=2:duration=longest  -preset ultrafast -r 24 -crf 8

whereas, i am trying -crf value from 0 to 23.

i am sharing both file webm and wav  and using this command mp4 created
file also sharing with you.

Please give me any solution.


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