[FFmpeg-user] Option framerate not found.

Peter Chapman Heavilyeverafter at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Nov 23 22:15:29 EET 2019

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to assemble frames into a video. The frames are 1920 x 1080, and the frame rate should be 60 fps. The frames come from a variety of shots, each of which is in a different folder. So there's a folder containing shot 1 frame 0001, shot 1 frame 0002 etc, then another folder containing shot 2 frame 0001, shot 2 frame 0002 and so on. To do that I'm using concat demuxer, with the following command path:

"F:\My Documents\Downloads\ffmpeg.exe" -framerate 60 -f concat -safe 0 -i "G:\mylist.txt" -c:v libx264 -vf "format=yuv420p" "G:\Test 1.mp4"

But each time, I'm getting the message 'Option framerate not found.'

I'm not quite sure what I'm getting wrong here? If anyone could point out which bit of the command I've messed up, that would be much appreciated, as I'm kind of out of my depth!

The mylist notepad file, if it's relevant, looks like this:

file 'E:\My Videos\Music Video Ideas\NASA Pictures\Earlier Sun Frames\Processed\Shot 1\Sun Frame0000.tga'
file 'E:\My Videos\Music Video Ideas\NASA Pictures\Earlier Sun Frames\Processed\Shot 1\Sun Frame0001.tga'
file 'E:\My Videos\Music Video Ideas\NASA Pictures\Earlier Sun Frames\Processed\Shot 1\Sun Frame0002.tga'
file 'E:\My Videos\Music Video Ideas\NASA Pictures\Earlier Sun Frames\Processed\Shot 1\Sun Frame0003.tga'

Many thanks,


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