[FFmpeg-user] wrong colors in animated GIF

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 16:06:23 EEST 2019

Am Do., 26. Sept. 2019 um 15:00 Uhr schrieb Michael Koch
<astroelectronic at t-online.de>:

> I'm using this animated GIF as input http://gosper.org/sidereal.gif
> and process it with the most simple FFmpeg command line:
> ffmpeg -i sidereal.gif -y out.gif

Did you also try the following "most simple FFmpeg commamd line"?
ffmpeg -i sidereal.gif -qscale 2 out.avi

> Why are the colors wrong in the output?

I suspect you didn't read about gif encoding with FFmpeg.
(This is a known regression but unlikely to get fixed, output
files were absurdly big.)

Carl Eugen

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